Community Development Action Hertfordshire
Visits Hall Play Area – HMP the Mount

CDA Herts runs a play area in the visiting hall at HMP The Mount in partnership with HMP The Mount and HACRO.
The play area provides a safe and secure place for children (aged 2 – 12) who are visiting their father, a family member or friend, to relax and have some fun.
We aim to provide the children with a positive time during their prison visit – an experience that can be stressful, tiring, and upsetting – with the opportunity to play, be creative and expressive themselves in a loving, friendly and inviting environment. We help to enhance relationships with the person they are visiting by providing opportunities to interact together through play and activities (especially in enhanced visits). Having the play area also allows adult visitors time alone with the prisoner to discuss family matters and improves the overall visiting experience for everyone.
The play area works within the Government framework ‘Every Child Matters’ aiming to meet five outcomes: Be healthy, Stay safe, Enjoy and achieve, Making a positive contribution, and Achieving economic well-being. These outcomes are consciously prioritised by the experienced, motivated and professional team that work and volunteer within this service and who are positive role models for the children.
As of 24/10 the new visit times for HMP The Mount will be;
Social visits
Mon-Thurs 13:45-15:30
Sat & Sun 14:00-15:30
Legal visits
No change.
Prison video visits (Purple visits)
Mon-Thurs 13:45-15:30
Sat & Sun 14:00-15:30
(Still 30 minute slots)
Volunteers are always welcome to help in the play area. Please e-mail:

We are very grateful for the support of the charity ‘Children in Need’ who grant-fund our play area service.