Community Development Action Hertfordshire
Jobs Pathway

This Project has now closed – If you would like to find out more please contact Sue Whiterod our Business Development Manager and Social Justice Lead Officer at:
07484 790124
Jobs Pathway supported people facing barriers to employment to find permanent jobs. Jobs Pathway Enterprise supported people to set up their own businesses.
– For people, not profit.
We opened doors for the most marginalised, to step-on and get-on. We worked with people in contact with the Criminal Justice System, with refugees, with people experiencing poor mental health, addiction, homelessness, deprivation – often with a combination of needs.
We worked with many different employers, training providers and services, all willing to give people a chance to prove themselves and transform their lives. We were the champion and advocate for our candidates, providing professional support and enabling access to opportunities otherwise closed.
Jobs Pathway took referals from across Hertfordshire.
Thank you to our Funder the Hertfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner.